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Spondylolysis is a condition in which the spinal bones of one’s body slip over the adjacent spinal bone.The degree of slip decides the amount of symptoms the patient will have and also the treatment strategy which will be required by the patient to deal with the problem.


Why does spondylolisthesis occur ?


( Reasons for Spondylolisthesis )

 Spondylolisthesis can happen because of many reasons at different ages with underlying different pathologies and may lead to various different symptoms depending upon the reason for spondylolysis, the existing problems the patient already has and the extent of spondylolisthesis.


Types of spondylolisthesis




Spondylolysis can lead to spondylolisthesis.To understand the statement we have to understand in detail what is spondylolysis ? Any defect in the spine which involves Pars-interarticularis surface area of the spine is called deficient pars for spondylolysis.These defects are sometimes present from birth And sometimes they appear later during the lifetime due to the various effects on spine which include any injury any infection any diseases like osteoporosis etc.

Trauma or Injury


Many patients come to us and report that they are suffering from Severe low back pain after they had an injury in their spine. The mode of injury can In multiple ways which include sudden bending forward, any road traffic accident, lifting up of excessive weight and sudden injury during the gym which involves lifting of weight and bending forward.

Family History


If a patient has any close relative or immediate family suffering from spondylolisthesis  then the chances of one suffering from spondylolisthesis increases.There are few genetic causes which also lead to to congenital pars break, Which in turn leads to have a chances of slipping of the vertebra and subsequent low back pain & other symptoms.

Degenerative Spondylolisthesis


As one gets older and age advances the disks which act as spinal cushions lose their flexibility and this leads to gradually slipping or spondylolysis this kind of lenses are generally common in older patients above 60 years of age.

Post Surgery Spondylolisthesis 

Many patients who have had previous surgery of spine may gradually develop Progressive instability in the spine leading to spondylolysis this usually happens because of the reason that some of the bone is removed during spine surgery which leads to loss of power of the spine to withhold shearing forces of the patient’s body weight and final collapse leading to spondylolysis. 


Spondylolisthesis Symptoms


Now symptoms of spondylolysis Are very very typical. They can be explained in following points


Low Back Pain


Patients generally present with low back pain which is persistent in nature continuous and is aggravated with patient is  continuous and is aggravated with patient is sitting  in a chair which has no support for the back.Also the back pain of the patient is worsened by travelling on a jerky road or a bumpy ride on a bike.

Spasm in Lower Back

Patient feels that there is continuous spasm in his lower back. This is because the muscles get tightened in order to stabilize the slipping bone. Patients may have difficulty in turning sides in the bed especially during sleep. Also patients may have difficulty in bending forward, lifting weight and/or arching the back.

Pain radiation in legs and Foot 


As the Spondylosis progresses that could be symptoms related to compression of the nerves in the spine. This may lead to pain in the lower Limbs which radiate from the buttock area to the back of the thigh to the calf region and may go up to the ankles and foot of the patient. in advanced cases that could be weakness in the legs and also bladder bowel involvement.

Hamstrings tightness and muscle spasm


Many patients come to spinal OPD with complaints of hamstring tightness and muscle spasms in the hamstring area of the muscles. 

Spondylolisthesis Treatment

When it comes to treatment of spondylolisthesis, It can be grouped into two categories. spondylolisthesis treatment options include two categories, the first category is a non operative management of spondylolisthesis.Second category is operative management of spondylolisthesis which involves surgical intervention and treating the disease with the help Surgical stabilization.conservative Spondylolisthesis Treatment Delhi comprises of following

Non Operative treatment of spondylolisthesis 


Non-operative treatment for spondylolisthesis or spondylolisthesis treatment without surgery is a fairly common choice of treatment when the patient is presenting with mild symptoms or moderate symptoms and the symptoms have not come a long way.the various ways to treat the patient and many of them include the following.

  1. Analgesics & Anti-inflammatory drugs : Trial of short course of anti inflammatory and anti pain medications can be tried for giving an immediate relief  for acute attack of pain during aggravation of symptoms

  2. Physiotherapy :  In Spondylolisthesis Physiotherapy helps a lot as far as non-operative Management is concerned.The exercises which gradually strengthen the core muscles of the spine leads to stabilization of the spine to some extent which in turn reduces the amount of symptoms experienced by the patient. 

  3. Lifestyle modification: the lifestyle of the patient can be modified in terms of reducing weight, eating healthy food and also not doing activities which leads to stress on the spine like sitting for long hours sitting on the chair With unsupported back and also avoiding travel on bumpy roads.

Operative Treatment for Spondylolisthesis :

As far as Spondylolisthesis Treatment in India is concerned, Surgical treatment is fairly common involving performing a fusion surgery or TLIF surgery or total number interbody fusion surgery.Is surgery can be done with various different methods.

1.Open Tlif :  The oldest and most traditional way of doing the surgery is using the naked eye and giving up a bigger cut  in the spine. This method causes a larger destruction of tissues both postoperative pain and sometimes also requires blood transfusion for the surgery.

2.Miss Minimally Invasive Tlif : TLIF Surgery can also be performed using minimally invasive techniques. These techniques reduce the incidence size to very small and there is less the section of tissue less postoperative pain and faster/quick return to work.

3.Endoscope Assisted Tlif : This is the latest technique in which endoscopic assisted  fusion surgery of the spine is done. In the surgery there is a very small decision and postoperative pain is very very less as compared to the above two Tu you and the rehabilitation is very very fast. Sometimes patients can be discharged the next day after surgery. At our center Spondylolisthesis Treatment in Bihar is regularly done with Endoscope only.

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